How To Predict Numbers of Auto Cases?
Auto accident data is difficult to come by in a timely fashion. Often what is available is a year old or more. While it would be great to know how many cases one is currently getting out of the total potential “pie”, thus far this is information that eludes us.
One report, however, can provide an idea of how your market stacks up when it comes to overall driver safety. Allstate recently released its “America’s Best Drivers Report™”. The report uses Allstate’s claim data to rank the country’s 200 biggest cities based on frequency of car collisions to identify which cities have the safest drivers.
What is the safest city? Fort Collins, CO. Which city is more likely to have accidents than any other? Washington, DC. How does your city stack up? Click to view the full 2010 report.
As with any data, results can be suggestive but are not necessarily conclusive. The overall business of any individual law firm is the result of many factors, not the least of which is effective marketing. Robust market conditions or soft, it is always best to be the one getting the first call.